The Pro Social Ireland Programme is a road safety initiative which was set up in 2012 in Donegal at the request of Judge Paul Kelly, Inspector Michael Harrison and Tim Coughlan from the probation services.

We at Pro Social Ireland were tasked with designing and developing a cognitive behavioural programme that would seek to improve both the awareness and the driving behaviour of those drivers referred to our service.

Participants for our programme are initially identified through the justice and legal system, with referrals coming directly from judges, the probation service as well as from various solicitors. We also take referrals from parents and concerned others, and we also accept self-referrals.

The Programme is delivered by a team of hugely experienced and highly trained professionals, all of whom have counselling and facilitation qualifications. The orientation for the Programme is client centred, with various disciplines and interventions used. Motivational Interviewing (MI) has proven to be a very successful approach for us and it continues to be the framework that underpins our work.

The Programme has received National recognition and to date has won a number of major awards for its contribution to road safety here in Ireland.


Mick Quinlivan, Chairman: Pro Social Ireland
Mick is a retired member of An Garda Siochana and CEO for Cairde Le Cheile which is a registered charity that seeks to employ people with intellectual disabilities. As a member of An Garda Siochana for over 30 years, Mick has seen first-hand fatalities on our roads. Mick has a firm belief that the Pro Social Drivers programme is the only way forward in reflection to driving awareness.

Rosaleen Gallagher, Board Member
Manager of Access Skills Ireland, a subsidiary of the Belfast Unemployed Congress Resource Centre in Belfast. Access Skills Ireland is based in the Congress Centre for the Unemployed, Pearse Road, Letterkenny. Provides and coordinates courses from entry level to high end IT throughout the 9 regions of Ireland. Coordinated the delivery education to people in employment and Peace programmes in the border regions. Many years of experience in work with young people in Community based projects.

Michael Galvin, Board Member
Michael is a retired member of An Garda Siochana having spent 30 years in the Donegal Garda Division with his last 11 years as a Detective Sergeant based in Letterkenny. Michael is the current chairperson of the Donegal Athletics Board and is a juvenile coach with St. Eunans GAA club.