How much does the course cost?
The cost of our course is currently set at €250. 

How long does the course run for?
The participant will attend an informal online interview to assess the participants requirements and get some background information, prior to commencing the programme. The programme consists of four modules and is held in venue on Saturday and Sunday from 11.00am – 5.00pm, each day. Each participant is required to attend all modules and complete the programme before a certificate of completion and report can be issued.

Is the Prosocial course an actual driving course?
No, the course is not a driving learning course.

The Programme is designed to work with participants because of their poor driving behaviour. The aim of the programme is to reduce re-offending, reduce road collisions, which will in turn reduce fatalities and serious injuries, making the roads safer for all road users.

How many modules will I have to take and what are they?

  • The course consists of four modules.
  • Communication and Peer Influence. 
  • Social Awareness.
  • Driving while Impaired and Peer Refusal Skills.
  • Consequential Thinking and Outcomes.